Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend

On Saturday we got to go to Pocotello for my nephew, Joseph, and my my brother, John's birthday party. It was fun to see a lot of my family there. After the party Me and my family went to Burley. We got to go to church with my parents and have a wonderful Mother's day dinner with them and my grandparents. Andy grilled the meat, but my mom prepared the rest of the delicious meal. I guess that's what mom's do-is make their own Mother's day dinner. I know I am so grateful for all my mom has done for me and now that I am a mom myself I realize really how much of her own time she gave up to help me. Mom's are great and I hope and pray that one day my kids will be able to say the same about me.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Happy late mother's day! It sounds like you had a great day. And are such an example to me too of how to be a great mom. Your kids are very very lucky!