Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What City do you belong in?

You Belong in New York City
You're the energetic, ambitious type.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer.
What City Do You Belong In?


Robnz Fam said...

NYC!? Oh, the memories :0). I want to take this test too, but it won't go to the website when I click on your link!

Robnz Fam said...

No worries Em, if I'm in Rome, I'm obviously rich enough to come visit you :0). Can't wait to see you!!!!!!

Jenni said...

I could see you in NY but I think you would miss all the outdoor activity that occurs in the Rocky Mountains. I'm now curious to see what it would say about me.

Alisha Wilkins said...

I can totally see you a NY girl! :)
I took it and I belong in Rome, want to come visit me and Carrol?!?

Mandi said...

I hadn't even thought that our licenses are coming to that time...has it been that long? My how time flies! What all do we have to do to renew? Here is my email
We'll talk over that!