Saturday, July 28, 2012

Our week in Burley

The kids and I got to spend a week in Burley with my parents.  Here are some of the highlights of our stay there:
-Got to see Sara's family and celebrate Abby's birthday
-Spent endless hours climbing the apple tree and playing "travel"
-Endless hours on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath and another hose in their hand
-Grandma took Maddie, Garen, and Sophie to the Wizard of Oz play at the Oakley playhouse
-Grandma took the kids to pick vegetables, then took them to McDonald's for ice cream
-Grandma took them shopping in which the girls got new skirts, Maddie a dress, both got stuffed kitty's, Garen got Spider-man puzzles and a Joker car.
-We went and cleaned Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Dora's headstone 
-I painted a dresser for my mom
-Endless supply of popsicles that Grandma was always willing to hand out
-My friend Alisha took Everett's baby pictures
-Alisha and Carrol and their kids came over to play and catch up
-Tracy and 4 of her kids came to play and celebrated Andrew's 12th birthday
-Maddie joined Tracy's kids at the International Dance Festival workshops where they got to learn and meet dancers from Poland, Russia, Japan, Indonesia and the USA.
-Sophie and Garen wouldn't leave cousin Andrew alone for one second, they thought he was so fun.
-We all went to the evening show of the dancers at the King Fine Arts Center
-We played at Storybook Park
-We all loved the time we got to spend with grandma and grandpa!

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