This is the Gifted and Talented class I've been subbing this week-It's crazy hair day.
Well, first of all we got our cabinets re-stained these last three days. Which means everything had to come out of my cupboards and onto the couches, floor, and table; and my house was full of men working. Which also meant no place to feed the kids and no naps for Garen. (plus I subbed everyday) But the cabinets are done now (but my stuff is not back in them). Here's some pictures: I didn't get a real before picture, but this is the color they used to be:
And After:
Maddie had gymnastics today and they got to wear their costumes. I got a few fun pictures. Maddie ditched her princess dress halfway through-it was to hard to do her tricks in:
Then after a few errands, no nap from Garen, some cleaning, dropping and picking Maddie up from preschool, I headed to my first Pampered Chef Show.
I never thought I would do something like this and I mainly signed on because you get $400 of free stuff if you do 4 shows in 30 days-so I thought what the heck. I had to bring the kids with me, but it was at my mother-in-laws, so I guess that's okay. (Andy is still hunting) The party went good and we made some good sales. The one good thing about selling Pampered Chef is that I don't really have to sell. I just show the products and people generally just want them, so I don't have to even try to be pushy or persuasive, just myself.

After the show, I headed to our ward Halloween party, mainly just to help my friend clean up. We all got home just after 10pm and everyone was so tired. My house is still a mess, but I'm going to bed anyway.
The color looks great on your cupboards and I'll bet it goes better with your floor. The pictures are precious, especially Garen waiting for his turn to have his picture taken! It pays to stop and observe so we don't miss things like that. I can't believe they let Maddie do the balance beam with a princess dress on--she's pretty good because I haven't seen the big name gymnasts do that! And is that a good idea to have that bucket of powder for little kids!! I think you were logged on while I was trying to find the ship my great grandparents came over on from Sweden. So thanks for bringing me back to the present. I'm glad your Pampered Chef party went well.
I love your new cabinet color. It makes me want to do the same in my kitchen. I also love the crown molding on the top of your cabinets, it just adds something.
I love the cabinets!! They turned out great! Hopefully you'll be able to get you kitchen and cupboards all back in order like you want it. Sounds like you had a busy week.
Wow! Those cabinets look so great! And what a busy busy day eh!? Maddi and Garen look so grown up, I can't believe it! Good job on the pampered chef party too! That's awesome!
sounds like you have been busy! I really like your cabinets. question who is tweety, jimbo and teen wolf???
tweet,jimbo and teen wolf is Carrol. Why she picked those names, I'm not sure, you'll have to ask her.
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