My friend, Brenda and I switch kids often so we can each have the chance to get out every once in awhile. I took her kids in the morning for a few hours while she went golfing. (She had Maddie on Friday so I could finish the cupboards). So the day was going good-lots of laughing and running around; a fun lunch with different shaped sandwiches and Halloween cupcakes.
Next we went to the park.
Garen loves the park, but this time he wanted to just sit next to me and he was whining a lot. I put him is the swing because he loves it and I though it would make him happy. Just then Danny threw sand and it got in Maddie and Jacob's eyes, followed by Danny falling of the climbing thing (he can't climb very well because he has a broken arm), and to top it off, Garen started throwing up all over. Chunks were flying all over the swing and in the sand!
picture taken about 5 minutes before the chaos.
I carried a throw up covered Garen back home, striped him down and put him in the bath. Luckily Brenda showed up right after. So Garen spent the rest of the day in my arms or throwing up. Later on I tried to give him Pedialyte, but it all came up.
I was so relieved when Andy got home from hunting to help put the kids to bed. Andy didn't get a deer but he did find a use for his knife:
So today, Sunday, we all skipped Stake Conference and Garen continues to throw up. We are hoping he will soon keep some liquids down so he won't get dehydrated.
Tag I'm It
I got tagged by Carrol.
Two Names You Go By:
1. Em
2. Sug by Andy (pronounced shoog, short for sugar)
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Pajama pants
2. T-Shirt
Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:
1. laughter and children
2. trust and hard work.
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. Go out with just Andy
2. Play with the kids.
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. To have Garen stop throwing up.
2. To go on Vacation
Two things you did last night:
1. Cleaned up throw up and hold a sick baby
.2. Play Scene it TV version with Andy.
Two things you ate today:
1. A bagel
2. I guess that is all I've had
Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Andy
2. Brenda
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Cleaning the house
2. Family Home Evening
Two longest car rides:
1. Burley to Minnesota
2. Logan to Boise
Two Favorite Holidays
1. Christmas
2. 4th of July
Two Favorite Beverages
1. Water
2. smoothies
Two Things About Me you may not have known.
1. I had my gallbladder removed at 17
2. I want to open up my own preschool and I want to get my Master's degree
Two jobs I have had in my life:
1. Life Skills (Special Ed) teacher
2. Behavior Specialist at USU
Places I have lived:
1. Burley, Idaho
2. Logan/Smithfield, Utah
Two of my Favorite Foods:
1. Spaghetti
2. mashed potatoes
2 Places I'd rather be right now
1. In Europe somewhere (with my family of course, not by myself)
2. At the peaceful, beautiful Temple.
Tag you are it
1. Jenni
2. Megan
3. Shalet
4. Chanc
5. Brecca
So much for having a relaxing day! Poor Garen (and you!) I hope he starts feeling better soon and gets some liquids!
Cute that Andy carved your name in the tree! But even cuter that he took a picture of it!
Never a dull moment! I think that is why I treasure the quiet and low-keyed days sometimes, because I had kids home for 30 years! I just hear about your days and it all comes back to me. I feel bad for Garen (and you) and hope he feels better. I guess what he left at the park is biodegradable.
The name carved in the tree is very artistic and precious and has to make you feel special.
Hey Em! SO cute. I have been out of the bloggin for awhile so it was fun to catch up with your family. See you soon!!!!!!!
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