Today Maddie got to sing the primary songs and say her part in the sacrament meeting primary program. Andy was sad he had to miss it since he had to work today, and I was sad because I had to deal with trying to keep a very tired Garen quiet for three hours and teach our Sunday School lesson by myself. But it all worked out fine. Anyway, Maddie did great with her part and of course she did just what I used to do during the program... lean on the edge while singing (I remember being told several times to stand up straight and not lean on the front ledge), talk to her friends during the whole program (remember, Carrol and Alisha), she twirled around, waved to people in the congregation, and even picked her nose! But, it was so fun watching her-I can't believe I have a little girl in primary, it doesn't seem like that long ago when I was in the primary programs. Maddie loves her sunbeam class and loves going to church. I'm so glad for wonderful primary teachers that help our kids learn about and love this gospel.
My little girl is growing up right before my eyes:

Garen was feeling like giving hugs this morning. Wouldn't this be the perfect picture without the toilet in the background:
I totally remember that :0). I also remember getting sent to the Bishop's office we were so bad! How funny! (and the Sunday School teacher throwing chalk at you. I was so mad at him!!)
So I totally didn't even notice the toilet in the background until I read you put it's still perfect!
Very cute picture- priceless. It would be so easy to photoshop the toilet out of the way too. Your little family is so adorable, and I too, am amazed that they are getting so big!
Oh my goodness...I love Maddies little dress! ;) How sweet that you captured the pic of the two hugging!
I wish our primary program was over! We still have 3 weeks until the big debut. uggg :)
Way cute pictures! Abby had her first primary progarm today too. She did so good! I'm glad Maddie did well too. It's crazy how fast they are growing up.
Maddie is growing up before our very eyes, and this is my second time around thinking that-first with you and your siblings, now with the grandkids. It seems faster now because I don't see them every week and they seem so grown up each visit. I really would like to have been at each of the grandkid's Primary Programs. I'll bet Maddie was really cute up there. And just remembering you I can picture every single movement and action that Maddie did up on the stand. Some things live on! And what a good big sister.
What's this about being sent to the Bishop's office, and getting chalk thrown at you!? Those were the days.
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