Monday, August 31, 2015

First day of Third Grade!!

First day of first grade!!!

First day of Jr. High!!!!

Every 7th grader should have their mom come in with them on the first day of school and make them stand inside their locker for a picture while their peers walk down the halls!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

School blessings

So thankful for a thoughtful, worthy, caring husband to put everyone's minds at ease before school starts with school blessings. I definitely needed mine.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Elder Oaks

Andy got the opportunity to go to a training with Elder Oaks in place of Bishop Wales.  Then later that evening Maddie got to go to the youth fireside that Elder Oaks spoke at.  She loved it.  What an amazing servant of the Lord. 
Of course I had to add the picture of when Elder Oaks road with us to Pocatello.  He told us stories of his childhood and how they would tie string to bread crust and throw it in the air and have the seagulls eat it and then pull it out of their throats. :)

Friday, August 28, 2015

Soaking up our last days of summer!


The week before school started Maddie had volleyball tryouts every morning. She was by far the smallest one in there but we were excited to find out Friday that she made the team!!!  I'm so excited for her to be a part of a team, I think there are many lessons that can be learned when you are a dedicated part of a team!  Can't wait to see her play!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Date night at the farmers market

We ate dinner, picked out fresh tomatoes and cantaloupe and ate huckleberry ice cream.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

Floating the Green River

Jesika and I decided to float the Green River before school started. It was quite the adventure with just is and 10 kids!  Some kids did not like it (aka Garen) but most of them thought is was an awesome few hours. We encountered some wind and choppy waters, kids floating away outside their tunes, 2 needy 3 year olds, a tube that blew away, shallow waters, and my van that wouldn't start when we got to the end of the float. Although the kids thought that pushing the van was the highlight of the adventure!!  Memories were made.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015