4AM-Andy gets home from work
7AM- Shower, get everyone dressed, make 3 cold lunches, do everyone's hair, breakfast, wash dishes, vacuum preschool8:15AM-Drop Maddie off with friends that she will catch a ride with to school, drop Garen off at preschool
8:30-set up preschool and pack Sophie's bag of toys and snack for day care
9:00-Rec center Zumba and Sophie in daycare
9:30AM-Andy goes back to work for the next 18 hours
10:30-pick Sophie and a preschooler up from day care, take a 5 minute shower
11:00-Garen comes home from first preschool, I teach 10 preschoolers for the next 4 hours.
3:30-Maddie gets home, homework, laundry, cook dinner
5:00-Maddie's Gymnastics
6:30-Maddie finishes gymnastics and Garen goes to soccer practice
7pm-Activity days starts
7:30-pick up Garen from Soccer
8pm-Maddie finishes Activity days, take friends home, showers, teeth, stories
9pm-kids in bed, clean up
12am-finally go to sleep.