Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Harry Potter Camp

Maddie and Garen have been doing Harry Potter camp all week and they love it!  Some of their favorite things about camp:
-receiving special owl mail the week before camp
-having to enter through door 9 3/4
-being sorted into houses, they both got hufflepuff and they were both glad they ended up in the same house
-they made their own wands
-made chocolate frogs
-made posions 
-played a quittich tournament. 
-all the kids contriputed to an ongoing story and garens sentence said "and hermionie turned into a boy"
-made up a mythical creature 
-playing capture the flag
-Magic tricks
-celebrating Harry Potter's birthday 
-Harry Potter jeopardy and scene it. 

All that and they even had to miss the last day. 

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