Garen was so funny on the way over there. He was jumping over everything and he kept pretending and saying things like, "I think we're lost mom." "Look a cave."
We stayed and played at the playground for a little bit. Then I remembered they were having some games and stuff at the library across the street to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. So we headed over there. Maddie played musical chairs, Garen was happy sitting next to me watching, and Sophie was sleeping in the snugly.
Then everything changed!...
Garen ended up wandering over to the stage to play and some how fell off knocking our American Flag over with him. He started crying and when I picked him up it made Sophie (who was attached to me) start crying. I took them both out and neither one would stop crying. So we headed back in to grab Maddie so we could just go home. But they were just handing out free books and cookies to all the kids and Maddie didn't want to miss out. I thought I could calm Garen down with a cookie or a book, but he cried because there were no crackers and the library lady even gave him a brand new Thomas book (his favorite) and he threw it!
So as I tried to gather up our stuff and put coats on, I got plenty of stares as Garen and Sophie screamed and Maddie begged to stay and play more games with her friends.
Well, we made it out of the library, but it didn't end there. We still had to walk all the way home. Garen cried and wanted me to carry him, which was impossible with Sophie hooked to my front and Maddie's backpack on my back.
Garen would stand there and cry and say he wanted to go home. Then I would repeat, "we can't go home unless you start walking." We did finally make it home, where Garen cried because he didn't get a cookie.
Some days are great with me three little ones and we are all smiles all day, and other days are like today, and I just want to step outside and leave the three of them screaming in the house.
So it was kind of a long evening. But I ended up getting the kids to bed at 7:30 and I felt better after having a quiet dinner on the couch with just me and The Bachelor.
Happy times at the park before the Library trauma-
Holy Cow! If I didn't know you I would wonder how you survived all that excitement. I wish I was closer to help out more.
I hate it when everything goes wrong at once and it seems like there is absolutely nothing you can do to solve the problem. I think you handled it all well, you are such an amazing Mom.
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