Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Evening at the Cemetery

I took the Girl Scouts to the Cemetery last night so we could talk about Memorial day and about respect. Each girl got a rose to put on a headstone of their choosing, then we went looking for neat pictures on the headstones to do crayon rubbings on. Maddie had a great time showing me all the different pictures and designs she found and it was such a beautiful evening!
This was a little section called baby heaven, where several babies and young children were buried. This is hard to explain to 7 year olds.-

I had Garen and Sophie with me so you can imagine trying to talk to 11 young girls while make sure a 3 year old and a one year old don't pull all the flowers of the headstones.-
Maddie was pretty good at being respectful besides the occasional running to find another headstone...Until the sprinklers came on. Then there was a lot of screaming, and running followed by jumping and laughing.-

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