Thursday, July 8, 2010

Moving on

Today was Andy's last day working for The Sports Authority-goodbye retail hours!


Robnz Fam said...

Congrats Andy!!! I'm way way excited for you guys. So awesome that you'll get three day weekends with each other. Much deserved too!

Em, do you think it'd be ok if you mailed me that american flag jello? I'm pretty sure I about jumped through the computer screen when I saw that. Oh yum. And maybe overnight it, just to be safe ok? You can put yourself in the package if you feel up to it.

Jann said...

Yea Andy. Out with the old and in with the new. Good luck with the new job.

Johnsons said...

He looks weird. He is weird. Yay no more Sports Authority.

Cammie said...

Suck it retail!