Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten!

 Garen was super excited to go to Kindergarten today.  He was up and dressed at 6:30am!  9:30 finally rolled around and me, Sophie and Everett walked him over to the school.  All was well till we got to the classroom.  Then he began to panic.  He didn't want to sit in his seat that was between two girls and he wasn't sure what to do with his lunch box.  I ended up leaving while he was teary eyed and scared in the classroom doorway.  Luckily he has a great teacher and also a wonderful counselor assigned to him to help him through some of his extreme social anxiety.
I worried about him all day.  I was hoping he wasn't sad and that he actually sat down in the lunch room and ate some food.  But when I was there to pick him up at 3:30 he came out with a smile and excited to tell me about his day.  He did say they moved his seat to a different spot next to a boy-I guess the teachers just couldn't win that battle.

He got a new batman shirt to replace his old favorite one that he wore out; and a new batman backpack plus a cool Mario Brothers lunch box.

Love this silly, smart, and creative little boy even if he gives me a run for my money most days 

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