Thursday, March 29, 2012

White Mountain this morning

Sometimes I see something that just makes me smile or think how beautiful. Most the time it's a quick glance or thought and then is shoved away never to be thought of again. I want to make more of an effort to write down, take a mental not, or take a picture of those small moments that show me Heavenly Father is there and feel my heart with joy even if only for a moment.

I was stuck inside all day yesterday and all day today because Sophie is sick and then Garen got a fever today! So when I dragged the garbage can to the road (the only time I was outside), I caught a glimpse of the mountains by my house. The sky was super blue and clear and the only clouds were hovering on top of the mountain. For that moment I thought, how neat, then the next moment was filled with get your shoes on!, do you have your lunch!, you're going to be late, and a relapse of morning sickness. I'm glad my camera was on the counter and I snapped a picture of my heart warming moment this morning.

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