Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Stuff

It's been about 10 months since Garen has taken a nap-and he has never fallen asleep anywhere but his bed. so this must have been one tired boy to fall asleep during dinner!

Silly boy-don't eat the fish from the fishing game-

We had a couple girls over to play and we headed to the park to enjoy the sunshine-
rolling down the hill-

And Andy finished the deck stairs!!! The weather finally cooperated. Just some sanding and staining left to do. Just in time to, the building inspector is coming in the morning to pass everything off for the preschool-

I left Sophie with Garen for a minute to get the phone and I came back and found that Garen had put the fishing pole in her hand so she could play with him. He was helping her catch a fish.

1 comment:

Johnsons said...

What a nice brother to share the fishing pole. I can't believe he fell asleep like that! And yea for Andy.