Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Maddie solves her own problem... Is that a good thing?!

Maddie has always been very independent. When she has a problem or can't do something she rarely calls for mom. She usually stacks up chairs to reach something or just finds a way somehow.
Well I must have been upstairs getting Sophie to sleep when the electric train was placed on Maddie's head. It wasn't till after all the kids were in bed and I was downstairs cleaning up when I found the train laying on the floor with tons of hair stuck in it and a pile of hair next to it along with some scissors!
The damage to her hair isn't to noticeable, I'm just glad she didn't poke her eye out or cut off more. I asked her why she just didn't come get me and she said, "I fixed it mom." Like it was not big deal.


Johnsons said...

Oh no.

Alisha Wilkins said...

Miss Independent! I can't believe that!