Friday, June 25, 2010

My Birthday/ Flashback Friday

I didn't take any pictures on my birthday so I just threw in a blast from the past of my 13th birthday-
Jennifer, Jana, me, Alisha-

I really had a great birthday on Thursday. It feels weird to be 27, it just feels like I should still be 22 or 23.
My morning started with a yummy breakfast made by Andy. Sadly right after that Andy had to head to work and would be gone till about 9:30 that night.
At lunch time my wonderful friends planned a lunch and pools outside for the kids to play. Thanks Amanda, Rachel and everyone who came! My friends are way to nice! We came home to give Sophie a little nap. Next we headed to Sports Authority to do a little shopping before Andy looses his discount with the job change.
Then we headed out to the park for a Relief Society activity. The kids played at the playground the whole time and I enjoyed more yummy food. There was also a pinata and it being my birthday I got to take the first swing at it and I managed to knock it to the ground-oops. I guess no one else deserves to smack the pinata on my birthday. Throughout the day I also enjoyed some enthusiastic "Happy Birthdays" from my kids but most came from my little preschooler Carter. I saw him 3 different times during the day and he would yell "Happy Birthday Miss Emily" everytime. It made my day!
When Andy finally got home he hung up my new curtains in my bedroom and in the family room even though he would have rather went to bed.
It was a fabulous birthday!

1 comment:

Alisha Wilkins said...

One word regarding that picture: Yikes!
Sounds like your b-day was great!
Congrats to Andy for the new job adventure!