Maddie got to spend the last 2 days learning all about Wyoming Wildlife. Today they took a trip to the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. I let Maddie take the old camera and she came back with 77 pictures! I guess she likes taking pictures like her mom. Maddie really did learn a ton and had a wonderful time at this camp.
Maddie said the bus driver took a group picture for her, to bad its so blurry-

Here is just a few pictures Maddie took at her camp-
Obsessive picture taking runs in this family. And Grandma Vonnie was the queen. I was trained well. It looks like it has spilled over into the fourth generation.
I agree with your mom :0). But that is great, without her we would not have a cute scrapbook of us growing up together. That is priceless!
And great job Maddie! You take good pictures! Better than the bus driver even!
Em, what age do you start your kids in Preschool? And what age do you take them at your own preschool?
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