Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween! And finally feeling better.

(Maddie spotted one of her friends just as I was taking the picture)

I didn't think it was possible to get the flu twice in the same week, but I was wrong! I got horribly sick again on Wednesday afternoon and the vomiting finally died down around midnight. My body ached and I was so exhausted, so of course Maddie starts throwing up about 2AM! But after a full day of rest on Thursday for us all, we finally are feeling back to normal. Maddie missed her Halloween party at school, but we had fun on Friday.
Princess Cinderella Maddie-
I had fun doing Halloween crafts and things with the kids in the morning and trying to make their food look spooky (like pumpkin sandwiches, crackers oozing green frosting, blue drink with eyeballs (frozen grapes) and later spaghetti with faces made out of olives and cheese.
Garen eating his monster cupcake that the kids help me make-
In the afternoon I took the kids over to the library Halloween carnival where they won lots of prizes and played lots of games. They got to shoot a which, throw darts and ghost balloons, golf, fish, and throw bean bags in a ghost. They had a great time.
Garen hiding under a chair because the kid behind us had a scream mask on and he did not like that!-

It took some major bribing to get his costume on, he did not like it at all, but soon found out that you get candy if you are wearing a frog costume so he left it on the rest of the time-

Maddie shooting the which, I think she hit the glass window every time-
Maddie fishing for prizes-

Then at six Andy got to come home and we headed to our ward Halloween party and trunk-or-treat. We were glad our ward was having a party because we didn't really want to take the kids around to houses we don't know. They got tons of candy and had a lot of fun. They had games and dancing and good company.
Garen liked the bubble machine best-
Maddie and he friend Elizabeth-
Andy and Maddie-
Garen had more than enough chocolate as you can tell-
Maddie dancing at the church-

We left the church about 8 and then spent some time with our neighbors who were outside passing candy out with a fire going and of course a keg of beer. Don't worry we didn't dip into their beer supply.
Maddie and her friend and neighbor Zoe-
Garen and neighbor Cody playing with their glow necklaces-
We got the kids to bed by about 9:30. Then Andy and I made a pizza and watched The Incredible Hulk movie.

It was a pretty fun day especially because no one was throwing up! :) I can't believe Halloween has already come and gone! Time is flying by!

I hope everyone had a very Happy Halloween!!!


Alisha Wilkins said...

Oh Em! So sorry you have been so sick and then Maddi does too! No fun at all! Glad you are all feeling back to normal!

Your kiddos look so cute in their costumes! I LOVE the picture of Garen (the one right after him hiding) he looks so adorable that I just want to squeeze that little frog!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I'm glad you are finally feeling better! What cute trick or treaters!!! Don't you just love Halloween??