Saturday, December 15, 2007

Little Angel

Tonight was our ward Christmas party and Maddie got to be an angel in the Nativity.

Of course Santa came. Garen loved it when Santa came in and he kept pointing and saying 'Santa', but as soon as he went to sit on Santa's lap-he changed his mind about liking Santa. So there is no picture of him. Maddie on the other hand was sooooo excited! She told Santa she wanted a farm and a Hannah Montana doll. :)
When the angels came on stage they were suppose to go behind Mary and Joseph, but Maddie picked a nice spot right in front of baby Jesus with her back to everyone-

We finally convinced her to scoot to the side. It was fun to watch her be part of the Nativity. I remember being in it not much older then her-I was a sheep, not an angel ;)


Robnz Fam said...

That is super cute! I love that! I remember in our ward nativity when Sara was baby Jesus and my parents were Mary and Joseph..was that when you were the sheep?

Maddi looks so cute in her outfit for the dance. And I LOVE your haircut, it is so cute on you! Is it so easy to do now? See you SOON!

Alisha Wilkins said...

Love all the pics! Totally agree with Carrol, your hair is so cute!

How funny that Maddie just plops down front and center! I can't wait until I get to do some of the fun things you get to do with Maddie!

suz young said...

Maddie is so like her mom wanting to be right in the front and not missing any of the action. How sweet and angelic. You were a pretty cute little lamb in your nativity at that age, the biggest smile I ever saw on a lamb!