Friday, June 20, 2008

At the pool once again

Today me and the kids met friends, Melissa and Brenda, as well as sister-in-law Amber, and cousin Chelsea. It was so fun to hang out with everyone at the pool! I know all the pictures are of Garen, but Maddie was to busy going down the water slide and swimming in a more "big kid area," away from the babies.

Taking a snack break-

Chelsea, Hannah, and me and Garen

Melissa, Isabella, me, and Garen-

Garen having a good old time-

Check out his white little bottom and dark tan line :)-

Garen showing some of his tricks-


Robnz Fam said...

How cute! Garen's backside looks just like Emi's! Well, except that Emi has girl swimsuit tan lines :0).

Melissa Hernandez said...

thanks for including us in all of the fun this week, seriously what am i going to do without you?? p.s. love the tan line/bum picture, that's too cute!